Oregon Breeding Bird Atlas

Literature Cited

Adamus, P.R. (compiler). 1986. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Maine, 1978-1983. Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, Augusta.

Bettinger, P., K. Boston, J. Sessions, and W.C. McComb. 2001. Integrating wildlife species habitat goals and quantitative land management planning processes. pp. 567-579 In: D.H. Johnson & T.A. O�Neil (eds.). Wildlife-Habitat Relationships in Oregon and Washington. Oregon State University Press, Corvallis, OR.

Cablk, M.E. 1997. Modeling vertebrate diversity in Oregon using satellite imagery. Ph.D. dissertation, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis.

Csuti, B., S. Plasky, P.H. Williams, R.L. Pressey, J.D. Camm, M. Kershaw, A.R. Kiester, B. Downs, R. Hamilton, M. Huso, and K. Sahr. 1997. A comparison of reserve selection algorithms using data on terrestrial vertebrates in Oregon. Biological Conservation 80:83-97.

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